Management of Non-Specific Chronic Back Pain by Female Rugby Players

Irene Borecky

Purpose: To describe the characteristics of female rugby players with chronic non-specific back pain and the rehabilitation interventions they use to effectively manage their pain.

Method: A cross-sectional survey design was used with closed and open survey questions. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and thematic analysis to understand frequency and patterns of responses in the responses of the eight participants.

Findings: Female rugby players perceive their pain originates from playing rugby and poor posture. These athletes use a wide variety of interventions and health care services; their choice of professional was most frequently based on accessibility and referral.

Conclusion: Participants reported that treatment received from health care providers’ was effective; however, there were discrepancies in their self-management of back pain. The athletes may not fully understand the purpose of certain interventions which may influence the extent to which they perceive them to be effective.